A Nature Guide's -
Guide to the Wet Tropics
Recommended Reading - Mammals
Most recommended books are still in print. A small number are out of print although they can still be purchased online. Check online using title and authors. Try your local bookshop, www. amazon.com , www.publish.csiro.au, www.fishpond.com.au, www.nhbs.com or I personally recommend Andrew Isle Naturtal History Books for Australia's largest range of natural history books at www.andrewisles.com.au
For More

A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia
3rd Edition
Peter Menkhorst Frank Knight
This fully revised and updated edition of A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia identifys all 382 species of mammals known in Australia.
This book provides concise and accurate details of the appearance, diagnostic features, distribution, habitat, and key behavioural characteristics of all mammals known to have occurred in Australia or its waters since the time of European settlement.
Each double-page spread provides all the information needed to identify an animal, a full-colour illustration of the entire animal, a smaller diagram of diagnostic features, a distribution map, and species description and measurements, including details of how to differentiate between similar species.
Field Comanion to
The Mammals of Australia
Edited By Steve Van Dyck
Genuinely practical in the outdoors, the book includes accounts of 389 species and newly developed, comprehensive identification keys. The Field Companion is introduced by a Mammal Distribution Matrix, which provides a classified checklist of all mammals in Australia (including those extinguished since European settlement) and the distribution of extant species in each state and territory.
Species accounts provide initial differentiation, and include notes on identification, size, abundance, habitat and federal list/status, photograph and distribution map, as well as key references, which provide quick access to all relevant state identification keys in the Field Companion and to the longer entry in The Mammals of Australia.
Tracks, Scats and other Traces
A Field Guide to Australian Mammals
Barbara Triggs
The Mammals inhabit every corner of our vast continent, yet the great majority of species are seldom seen. The only clue to their presence might be a footprint left on a muddy track, a scat deposited on a rocky ledge, or bones scattered on a forest floor.
In tracks, Scats and Other Traces, Barbara Triggs provides all information needed to identify mammals anywhere in Australia, using only the tracks of other signs they leave behind..