A Nature Guide's -
Guide to the Wet Tropics
Tropical Topics is a six to eight page educational newsletter used by the tourism industry and schools.
Tropical Topics contains detailed information about wet tropics, savanna and reef ecosystems and their numerous plants and animals.
Source:Web Site
Info - Guiding References

Superb Condensed
Relevant Information

Rainforests of Tropical Australia
The revised and expanded second edition helps you explore the beautiful rainforests that grow in Queensland, as well as across northern Australia, and onto many of the surrounding islands.
This is a guide to the natural history of the tropical rainforest.
It begins with an overview of the environment and ecology of this ecosystem, from landforms to seed dispersal.
It then identifies the major groups and species, from the most primitive plants, right through to the birds and the mammals.
The book concludes with a look at the history of the people of the forest, and where to explore this habitat.
Source: Author
Wet Tropics
Scientific Research
Excellent Guide Books for Guides

Ecosystem Guides
Tropical Seashores of Australia
Damon Ramsey
This guide covers the tropical coast of Australia, from the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, to the Kimberley coast.
The book begins with an overview of the environment, from the making of coral cays to how cyclones form.
It then identifies the major groups and species of organisms, from the shade-giving plants, through the exquisite seashells, to the wide ranging sea-birds.
Source: Author
Wet Tropics
Tour Guide Handbook
Wet Tropics of Queensland
World Heritage Area
Tour Guide Handbook
Complied by Julie Carmody
The purpose of this handbook is to provide tour guides and interested others with information to aid in the delivery of interpretive information located at visitor sites within the Wet Tropics rainforests.
There are more than 100 visitor sites in the Wet Tropics and this handbook provides site-specific information for 27 sites with high and low visitation.
Additional information provided in the handbook succinctly explains the reasons for World Heritage listing, the evolution and geological formation of the Wet Tropics, the criteria for a rainforest to be a rainforest, information for tour guides, information on the nasties to be aware of, and an explanation of the benefits of ecotourism.
Source: Introduction of Handbook

A Handbook for Tour Guides;
Daintree River to Cape Tribulation
This Handbook is for tour guides working in the Daintree River to Cape Tribulation area, both those who are new to the job and those who are already well established in the industry.
When designing the Handbook, our aims were to provide an accurate resource for the three
main players - tour guides, visitors and operators:
• for guides we wanted a practical resource with plentyof information about the route they travel;
• for visitors, we wanted an extensive range of information to match the wide variety of their interests;
• for operators, we wanted to provide them with a trainingtool for their new guides, and a glossary and further reading list for their experienced guides.
Source: Introduction of handbook

Tour Guide Handbook
Repairing the Rainforest
Steve Goosem & Nigel I.J. Tucker
Available for FREE DOWNLOAD @
Focusing primarily on the Wet Tropics region of Australia, Repairing the Rainforest highlights key ecological principles for restoring rainforest biodiversity and functioning. These include, among others, the vital role of animal seed-dispersers in rainforests and the traits of plants that help or hinder their dispersal. Also highlighted are the importance of understanding successional trajectories to accelerate forest recovery and principles of landscape ecology for optimizing tree-planting investments.
Repairing the Rainforest covers far more than theory, however; it is also an invaluable primer of hard-won, practical methods for actually growing and restoring rainforests. These include species lists of rainforest plants that are best suited for differing environmental conditions in the Wet Tropics region and tried-and-tested strategies for effectively propagating seedlings in nurseries. A particularly inspired strategy the authors detail is to plant certain tree species that attract key seed-dispersing animals that in turn bring in more plant species, supercharging forest recovery both for plant communities and native fauna.
Source: Forward
to Rainforest
Types &
The Rainforest CRC produced a range of publications for different purposes, most of which are available for download from this website. All files are PDF downloads and visitors will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.
Scientific publications that were authored or contributed to by Rainforest CRC researchers since 1993 are listed in our Scientific Publications Database, which can be searched through an Internet Explorer Browser Version 5.0 or later.
The Tropical Forest Research Series is an electronic journal that the Rainforest CRC published in partnership with CSIRO's Tropical Forest Research Centre. It is a web-based, peer reviewed series to disseminate ecological research to scientists and managers of the north Queensland Wet Tropics.
Source: web site
Wet Tropics Tour Guide Program
SUBSCRIBE to the Wet Tropics Tour Guide Contact Database by emailing info@savannah-guides.com.au
CONTACT Russell Boswell at
info@savannah-guides.com.au or 0408 772 513 for more information
The Wet Tropics Tour Guide Program provides ongoing professional development for tour guides and other public contact personnel in the tourism industry. It is an open network of like-minded professionals and interested parties coming together to continually improve the interpretation of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.
Aims of the Progam
To build tourism industry knowledge of the World Heritage Area and its values and enhance visitor experiences.
To create networking, information and skill sharing opportunities for Wet Tropics stakeholders.
To build awareness of land manager and Aboriginal Traditional Owners protocols.
Source: Web site
Raising the Bar

Current science of the
Wet Tropics
One Volume
Living in a Dynamic
Tropical Forest Landscape
Ed.Nigel Stork ,Stephen Turton
This valuable text contains 49 in-depth studies concerning various aspects of the ecology of the Australian Wet Tropics, a World Heritage Area, in north Queensland.
This book brings together a wealth of scientific findings and ecological knowledge to survey what we have learned about the “Wet Tropics” rainforests of North Queensland, Australia. This interdisciplinary text is the first book to provide such a holistic view of any tropical forest environment, including the social and economic dimensions.
The chapters offer applications that are relevant to tropical rainforests worldwide, including those concerning forest-based industries, restoration projects, road ecology, linking cultural and natural wealth to the economy, monitoring tools, plant biodiversity conservation, and the application of rainforest science.
Other chapters discuss aboriginal cultures; the impact of European settlement; the establishment of a World Heritage Area; and the impacts of factors such as rainforest tourism, climate change, invasive weeds, and vertebrate pests. The articles were written by an international gathering of scientists; many are affiliated with the Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Ecology and Management and the Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization. (Source: Publisher)
Cairns Unlimited
Aboriginal Culture
Until recent years, the closest that many foreign visitors came to Aboriginal culture in Australia was buying a cheap Chinese-made boomerang in a tacky souvenir shop. But these days, awareness and appreciation of Aboriginal art and culture are at an all time high. Tropical North Queensland is rich with Aboriginal culture, and we will show you a range of Aboriginal experiences that will be both enjoyable and educational. Enjoy one of the oldest and richest cultures of the world.
Venture into the wild spaces of Far North Queensland, and you enter a world steeped in ancient Aboriginal culture with spirits and legends recorded in rock art. Below is a list of the places, monuments, galleries and attractions around Tropical North Queensland which either showcase Aboriginal art and culture, or hold significance to the Aboriginal people. Source: Web Site
Wet Tropics Visitor
Information Centres
Visit a Wet Tropics Visitor Centre near you. Find out the one closest to you visit:
Tool for
the Eco Guides

The purpose of the Wet Tropics Vegetation Mapping is to produce a series of vegetation maps and associated information and knowledge which describes the vegetation communities of the Wet Tropics Bioregion in a readily accessible and user-friendly format.
The mapping is a valuable resource tool for informing conservation planning and research, policy development and decision-making at regional, local and individual property levels.
The Wet Tropics vegetation mapping comprises a series of fifty-five 1:50,000 maps and recognises 250 distinct vegetation communities in the Wet Tropics Bioregion based on their structural and floristic chararacters.
The Authority has designed a logical, hierarchical framework and map key which groups the 250 vegetation types into ecological communities and identifies relationships among them.
Source: Web Site
Give it a
go, you will
be amazed
Written to assit in the delivery of 6 competencies of National Tourism Training Package
Eco Guide
Text book by Australians for Australians

Enriching the Experience
John Pastorelli
This book aims to provide guides with the skills and resources to create experiences like this each time they lead a tour. In creating these positive experiences, guides need to manage a vast array of intrinsic elements and relationships that occur within every tour. The interpretive approach to tour guiding is an effective way to focus on these efforts.
It is an approach that is gaining increased recognition as an integral component of the way forward for learning and development programmes for guides.
This book provides accessible content and uses a variety of concepts, techniques, activities and case studies. Learning tools found in each chapter include: activities to help you develop and extend your understanding of the content and material covered; special focus studies that provide real information on guiding for a range of situations; and a wide range of references, sources of further information and websites for further study.
Source: Publisher
The most
list available
for Indigenous
of all Wet Tropics Information Centres
Interpretation Australia
Interpretation Australia Association is a not-for-profit national membership-based organisation dedicated to the advancement of the profession of cultural and natural heritage interpretation.
IA was formed in 1992 to share issues and ideas, improve professional standards and raise the profile of heritage interpretation as a profession.
It serves more than 400 members in Australia, New Zealand and other countries.
Many IA members are employed by government agencies. Other members are consultants who work in interpretation development, visitor research, writing, graphic design, multi-media, drama and guiding. They provide services to agencies to develop and produce interpretive plans, interpretive media, and guiding programs.Source: Web Site
Savannah Guides
Savannah Guides is a network of professional tour guides and tour operators based in the tropical savannahs of northern Australia.
Savannah Guides work with many of Australia’s leading tourism, environmental and community organisations to pursue its Mission of being an economically sound, community based professional body which maintains high standards of:
Interpretation and public education
Training and guiding leadership
Natural and cultural resource management
and, through the promotion of ecologically sustainable tourism principles, enhances regional lifestyles and encourages the protection and conservation of the natural and cultural resources of the Tropical Savannahs of Northern Australia.
Source: Web Site