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Recommending Reading - Freshwater Fish
Most recommended books are still in print. A small number are out of print although they can still be purchased online. Check online using title and authors. Try your local bookshop!

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Freshwater Fishes of North-Eastern Australia
Brad Pusey
Mark Kennard
Angela Arthington
Freshwater Fishes of North-Eastern Australia provides details of the ecology, systematics, biogeography and management of 79 species of native fish present in the region.
It includes detailed information on their identification, evolutionary history, breeding biology, feeding ecology, movement patterns, macro-, meso- and micro-habitat use, water quality tolerances, conservation status and current threats, as well as environmental flow and management needs.
Based on the results of extensive field surveys and a comprehensive review of existing literature, it is designed to assist environmental practitioners and managers to make informed decisions about future management strategies.
It will also encourage a greater research effort into the region’s aquatic fauna by providing a comprehensive resource that enables other researchers to adopt a more quantitative and strategic framework for their research. Source : Publisher
Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Australia
G.R. Allen , S.H. Midgley , M. Allen
From tiny gobies to the giant barramundi, this comprehensive volume provides in-depth coverage of nearly 300 species – every fish known to inhabit freshwater on the Australian continent. Stunning illustrations in full colour, with additional hints for rapid identification, complement the concise summary of biological knowledge.
Each species has a color image, distribution map, details on general features and identification as well as habitat and status information.
The book is divided into three major family sections: families containing species that are primarily confined to fresh waters or at least are dependent on fresh water for part of the life cycle; secondly, the families containing species that are basically marine or estuarine, but are sometimes found in fresh water; and last, the families containing introduced species. The families in each of the three sections are arranged following the natural (phylogenetic) evolutionary order.
This spectacular guide is an essential reference for scientists, aquarists, fishers and every person who appreciates Australia’s extraordinary natural heritage.
The Internationally recognised team of authors is headed by Gerald Allen, Senior Team Leader for Conservation International and author of over 300 scientific articles and 28 books. Dr Allen is an international authority on both freshwater and coral reef fishes of the Australia-New Guinea region.Source : Publisher

Edited by:Keith Walker, Paul Humphries
This edited volume reviews our past and present understanding of the ecology of Australian freshwater fishes. It compares patterns and processes in Australia with those on other continents, discusses the local relevance of ecological models from the northern hemisphere and considers how best to manage our species and their habitats in the face of current and future threats. In view of these challenges, the need for redress is urgent.
The chapters are written by some of our foremost researchers and managers, developing themes that underpin our knowledge of the ecology, conservation and management of fish and fish habitats. For each theme, the authors formulate a synthesis of what is known, consider the need for new perspectives and identify gaps and opportunities for research, monitoring and management. The themes have an Australian context but draw upon ideas and principles developed by fish biologists in other parts of the world.
The science of freshwater fish ecology in Australia has grown rapidly from its roots in natural history and taxonomy. This book offers an introduction for students, researchers and managers, one that the authors hope will carry Australian fish biology and resource management to new levels of understanding.
.Source : Publisher