A Nature Guide's -
Guide to the Wet Tropics
Recommending Reading - European History
Most recommended books are still in print. A small number are out of print although they can still be purchased online. Check online using title and authors. Try your local bookshop!
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Heritage trails of the tropical north:
a heritage tour guide to Far North Queensland
Kay; Cook, Margaret; Pearce, Howard Cohen 2001
Heriatge Trails of the tropical North introduces the tropical region extending from the Torres Strait Islands and Cape Yor Penisula to the Tourism gateways of Cairns and Port Douglas.
It is an easy guide for those seeking to make the most of their far north experience.
An ideal reference for historians, tour guides, nature lovers, travellers and tourists.
It describes 600 heriatge places including national parks, goldfields, hotels, churches, historic railways, town halls, post offices, theares, timber mills, court houses, cemeteries, sugar mills wartime airfiels and much more. Source: Publisher
Douglas Shire Historical Society
The Douglas Shire Historical Society meets on the first Monday of every month, alternately in Port Douglas and Mossman at 2pm. We visit historic sites and hear presentations on local history. We encourage our members to research and present their findings or to share old photos.
What the Society does:
Operates the Court House Museum, Port Douglas (you are welcome to join the roster as a volunteer attendant)
Conducts historic walks for groups along the heritage trail in Port Douglas
Researches and publishes local history books and bulletins
Collects local history papers, historic photographs and oral histories
Prepares and mounts poster displays for schools and the community
Promotes signposted historic walks in Port Douglas, Mossman and Daintree Village Source: Web Site
Angor to Zillmanton
Stories of North Queensland deserted Towns
7th Edition
Collin Hooper
Writing this book has been a journey. Its well springs covered most of Queensland from a boy running through the scrubs with a dog and a rifle, learning of the bullockies and their teams and the old fossickers' huts of beaten kerosene tins on White Hill at Clermont, to the man receiving instruction in tin prospecting with old miners at Herberton and gold with the solitary prospector on the Palmer.
It travelled back through our past and on into our future with the hospitality of the bush folk, their stories, theories and dreams. It lead past the realisation of changes in attitudes of all the people who made and make up this country.
It let to the secret places, the lost places and deserted towns.
With a great deal of help from sources too numerous to mention these stories, plans, and photos have melded from vague semblance to clear coherence. To those willing helpmates and encouragers I offer my heartfelt gratitude.
The journey was partly completed by visiting all those old towns with a dog and battered Landrover as companions. The book itself is the real journey, completed only when it leads back to oneself
Source: Author
Lake Eacham Historical Society
The Eacham Historical Society, located in Malanda on the Atherton Tablelands, Far North Queensland, Australia.
The EHS:
encourages the study of local history.
collects and maintains historical records, material and places of historic interests.
promotes the interchange of information through talks, discussions, excursions and exhibitions
Source: Web Site

CAIRNS City of the South Pacific
A History 1770-1995
by Timothy Bottoms
The township of Cairns was established in the wake of the Palmer River Gold rush of 1873, and established as aport for the Hodgkinson Goldfield in October 1876. After a tenuous start, Cairns became the terminus for the far North Queensland railway, servicing the inland mining districts. Chinese were instrumental in launching the sugar cane industry and South Sea Islander labour was important in sowing and harvesting in the 19th century.
This inclusive work covers the many and varied people who have lived and worked in the district as well as the dramatic changes that have occurred. It is a fascinating coverage of this unique tropical paradise.