A Nature Guide's -
Guide to the Wet Tropics
The Field Guide to the Birds of Australia
Graham Pizzey & Frank Knight
9th edition
The definitive and most respected guide to Australian bird identification, this book is a must for both experts and amateurs.
First published in 1980, Graham Pizzey's Field Guide to the Birds of Australia combines a depth and breadth of knowledge with beautiful, full-colour illustrations by Frank Knight.
Comprehensive and fully updated, this ninth edition of the guide is more user-friendly than ever before. Species entries have been re-ordered and updated to reflect the new taxonomy, and the book has been expanded to include eighteen new species as well as a new section on vagrant species.
It also features new information on bird family groups, more than 750 distribution maps based on the most recent bird atlas data, as well as a new Quick Find Index, to assist with quick identification of birds in the field.
This is the essential reference for every bird enthusiast. (Source: Publisher)
Field Guide to the Birds of Australia
Simpson and Day
8th edition
Since it was first published in 1984, Simpson & Day's Field Guide to the Birds of Australia has been one of the most - if not the most - respected bird guide in the country.
The guide contains 132 superb full-colour plates showing all Australian bird species; key points of identification using the latest classification system; distribution maps for all species; over 900 black and white line illustrations; breeding information; a vagrant bird bulletin; a core library list; and easy-to-use indexes.
This eighth edition has been revised and updated, including some beautiful new plates.(Source: Publisher)
The Michael Morcombe eGuide to Australia Birds
Michael Morcombe & David Stewart
Michael Morcombe’s Field Guide to Australian Birds is now perfectly complimented by this eGuide, which features:
iPhone optimised controls swipe to next or previous species, one-tap enlargement of an image and rotate the device (landscape) to enlarge an image completely (and fit the width of the screen).
Over 3000 hi-res bird images covering over 790 bird species.
Most bird species have a detailed distribution map showing any subspecies that occur. Also descriptions of almost all bird species including songs and calls, measurements and breeding behaviour.
Over 1800 carefully-selected and edited sound recordings by David Stewart, for some 600 species. Many species are represented with multiple call examples showing the full range of vocalizations.
(Source: Publisher)
Recommended Reading -Birds
Most recommended books are still in print. A small number are out of print although they can still be purchased online. Check online using title and authors. Try your local bookshop!
For More
The Slater Field Guide to Australian Birds
Peter Slater, Pat Slater, Raoul Salter
2nd edition
The Slater Field Guide to Australian Birds is a guide to the identification of all the birds so far recorded in Australia and is designed for use in the field, to slip easily in a hip-pocket, backpack or glove box.
The illustrations have been planned to enable easy comparison between similar species. There are more than 750 species described and illustrated in 200 superbly painted plates. A must for serious naturalist in Australia, be they beginners or experts.
Peter Slater has been interested in birds since early childhood and has studies nearly every Australian species in the field. He has written or illustrated more than 20 books on natural history. The paintings for this volume took about 6 years to complete, each bird being carefully checked for colour accuracy.
Pat Slater wrote several books, including award-winning natural history titles, and collaborated with her husband on the text of this volume. She died in 2003.
Raoul Slater contributed to the RAOU Atlas of Australian Birds, using the knowledge gained to prepare maps for this volume. Source: Publisher
Pizzey & Knight Birds of
Australia Digital Edition
It is a comprehensive and interactive multimedia program. It combines multimedia data on over 900 Australian bird species, with eight interactive modules that facilitate almost every aspect of "computer birding".
The Field Guide displays the full field guide pages of the Pizzey and Knight bird guide, with species text, distribution maps and sounds.
The Bird Guide includes a full bird list and individual bird pages for each bird, with illustrations, species text, distribution maps, photographs and sounds. The bird list includes all the new species and new names.
Similar Birds selects similar birds and shows them side by side for comparison.
Identification uses location, habitat, bird shapes and plumage to shortlist possible species for identification.
My Location is an interactive map for finding your location, generating bird lists, and locating birding sites.
My Lists is a personal list manager that includes a life list and sub-lists that report to your life list. You can also export and import lists.
Birding Sites includes details of over 250 birding sites around Australia, with bird lists and photographs.
Habitats describes the bioregions and habitats of Australia with descriptive text, photographs and bird lists. (Publisher)
Birds of the Wet Tropics of Queensland & Great Barrier Reef & where to find them.
Lloyd Nielson (2015 second edition).
This comprehensive field guide covers two World Heritage areas. It is based on the concept of identifying birds by colour, habits or habitat. Every bird is accurately illustrated by the author and includes the status and range of all 451 species recorded from Queensland's Wet Tropics. There is a section on the best birding areas from Cooktown to Townsville with maps, directions and birds likely to be seen and other birdwatching tips.
There is much of interest for the specialist birdwatcher too. The author is well known for his expertise with Australia's most elusive bird, the Buff-Breasted Button Quail Turnix olivii. He has given this bird special treatment with an excellent text and a series of field drawings, including comparasions with Painted Quail Source: Publisher